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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Vote NO on Prop h8

Jenean and I volunteered at the NO On 8 phone banks again last night. There were at least 40 volunteers on the phones, which is outstanding for a Tuesday night.

We learned last night that most people are thinking that if Obama is winning by a landslide in California, a lot of people might not get out there and VOTE. We need everyone at the polls November 4th, especially if you're gay and living in California. We may have more first time voters out there this election day, we may have more African American Voters, hopefully we'll have more gay and lesbian voters. We need to stand up for ourselves November 4th and make sure this unfair and unnecessary proposition does not pass.

I don't know about you, but in my mind Proposition 8 cannot be allowed to pass. If you care about your community and you want to be considered an equal citizen, be at the polls on November 4th. Make it Happen.

NO On 8

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